The Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance hosts an annual Phosphorus Forum in which knowledge leaders interact around topics related to phosphorus sustainability. The Phosphorus Forum is an excellent opportunity to network with diverse organizations and people. One free ticket is provided as a benefit of membership.

Our next Phosphorus Forum is coming up!
Save the date for September 17-18, 2025 for our 7th Phosphorus Forum in Raleigh, North Carolina. Tickets will be on sale soon. Follow us on social media and sign up to receive our newsletter to stay informed about the agenda, speakers and early bird pricing!

In 2024, the NSF-funded STEPS Center and the Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance brought together our 6th annual Phosphorus Forum in Tempe, Arizona State University at the Hyatt Place. Our keynote speakers were Jana Compton from EPA and Nathan Nelson from Kansas State University.
We had sponsored sessions by Verdesian Life Sciences and Arva Intelligence.
Slide decks
Day 1: Phosphorus Forum 2024
Coming soon
Day 2: Phosphorus Forum 2024
Coming soon

In 2022, Phosphorus Week brought together an international network of over 200 stakeholders from across the phosphorus value chain to discuss holistic solutions to vexing phosphorus sustainability issues. The week combined into a four-day event the annual Phosphorus Forum (November 1 and 2) with the biennial Sustainable Phosphorus Summit (November 3 and 4).
A poster session and reception was sponsored by the generous support of Verdesian Life Sciences.
Slide decks
November 1st: Phosphorus Forum
November 2nd: Phosphorus Forum
November 3nd: Sustainable Phosphorus Summit
November 4th: Sustainable Phosphorus Summit

Phosphorus Forum 2020 was held virtually on Sept 30 and Oct 1, 2020. Participants from 15 countries included scientists, NGOs focused on water quality issues, nutrient recovery technology companies, fertilizer manufacturers, food producers, water utilities, farm consultants, government regulators, agricultural suppliers, phosphate mining companies, and others.

Slide Decks
September 30: Sustainable P Recovery and Reuse
- Regulation of Derived Products for Agricultural Use
- National Inventory of Animal Feeding Operations
- Economics of Small-Scale P Recovery
- Enhancing Phosphate Production Through Nutrient Recovery
October 1: Sustainable Phosphorus Use
- Coastal Eutrophication
- Pay-for-Performance Program for Nutrient Pollution Mitigation
- OCP North America’s Perspective on Phosphorus Sustainability
- Phosphorus Transport Modeling

Phosphorus Forum 2019 took place in Washington DC at the Ambassador Barbara Barrett and Justice Sandra Day O’Connor Washington Center at Arizona State University. Our keynote speakers were Kathleen Merrigan, former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, and Professor Bruce Rittmann of Arizona State University, 2018 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate.

Slide decks
Below are links to PDFs of the slide decks used during the presentations at the Phosphorus Forum 2019 event.

The Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance convened our second Phosphorus Forum event on February 27, 2018, in warm and sunny Tempe, Arizona. A network of organizations from across the phosphorus value chain gathered to explore holistic solutions to vexing phosphorus sustainability issues. Keynote speakers included Sally Rockey, Executive Director of the Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research, and Paul Fixen, retired Senior Vice President of the International Plant Nutrition Institute.
Slide decks
Below are links to PDFs of the slide decks used during the presentations at the Phosphorus Forum 2019 event.

On May 19, 2017, the Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance held our first Forum addressing critical issues in phosphorus sustainability. Guests watched presentations and networked with industries, scientists, and policy makers interested in closing the loop on phosphorus use in the food system. Newtrient President Steve Rowe gave the keynote presentation.
Slide decks
Below are links to PDFs of the slide decks used during the presentations at the Phosphorus Forum event.