The Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance hosts technical webinars on important phosphorus management issues. Our members participate in the webinars and the phosphorus sustainability community is invited to attend.
In addition, we create video abstracts of phosphorus sustainability research that has been published recently in respected, peer-reviewed journals through our series Phosphorus Science Now! The video abstracts are 5- to 10-minutes long and the researchers present their own findings.

Upcoming Webinar
P from Pee: Urine Diversion and Resource Recovery
Most of the phosphorus you eat and drink ends up in your urine, which is also rich in nitrogen and, of course, water. Various technologies have been developed to keep urine separate from other wastes so these water and nutrient resources can be more readily reused beneficially and locally.
In this webinar, we’ll dive into urine! We’ll look at some of the technologies for urine diversion and resource recovery, some ongoing projects that connect these resources to farms, and some of the safety and regulatory issues involved. We’ll be joined by Abe Noe-Hays from the Rich Earth Institute, Dr. Treavor Boyer from Arizona State University, Madeline DuBois from The Land Institute, and Mathew Lippincott from University of Michigan. As always, we’ll invite your questions.
Date: Aug 21, 2024
Time: 11:30 AM CT
- Abe Noe-Hays, Research/Co-Director & Co-Founder, Rich Earth Institute
- Treavor Boyer, Professor, Arizona State University
- Madeline DuBois, Research Technician, The Land Institute
- Mathew Lippincott, Regulatory Consultant, University of Michigan
Most recent webinar
H2Ohio’s Phosphorus Efforts
Lake Erie has long been a waterbody of high interest to the P sustainability community because of its history of massive and damaging harmful algal blooms. In 2019, the state of Ohio launched its H2Ohio program to focus on improving water quality across Ohio, including on Lake Erie and its Maumee River tributary. Thus far, the program has allocated hundreds of millions of dollars to phosphorus reduction projects, such as wetlands restoration, ag tech innovation, and septic system maintenance.
In this webinar, we’ll be hearing from a panel of speakers involved in the H2Ohio work. David Emerman of Ohio EPA will set the stage by talking about the program, especially its technology assessment and piloting work and its wetlands projects. He’ll be joined by one of the technology providers, Dave White of Ecosystem Services Exchange who will speak about their Automated Drainage Water Management System, and Bryan Stubbs from the Cleveland Water Alliance, who will describe their innovation fund, technology test beds, and water quality sensor networks. As always, we’ll leave plenty of time for audience questions.
- Bryan Stubbs, President and Executive, Cleveland Water Alliance
- David Emerman, Chief Community Officer, Northeast District Office, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
- Dave White, President, Ecosystem Services Exchange
Video interviews – Phosphorus Science Now!
Matt Scholz of the Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance has conducted interviews with scientists about their work in phosphorus sustainability. Learn about their findings in these videos:
Adam Heathcote of the Science Museum of Minnesota, discusses how nutrient pollution is changing the rate of carbon burial in freshwater lake sediments across the globe.
Adam Heathcote of the Science Museum of Minnesota
Global Data: Diffuse N and P Loads and Yields
We discuss with Rich McDowell of Lincoln University, NZ, his 2020 Geosciences Data Journal paper entitled “Global database of diffuse riverine nitrogen and phosphorus loads and yields”.
Rich McDowell of Lincoln University, NZ
Phosphorus Substance Flow Analysis in Northern Ireland
We speak with Donnacha Doody and Shane Rothwell of the Agri Food and Biosciences Institute and Lancaster Environment Centre, respectively, about their 2020 Resources, Conservation and Recycling paper “Phosphorus stocks and flows in an intensive livestock dominated food system”.
Donnacha Doody of the Agri Food and Biosciences Institute and Shane Rothwell of Lancaster Environment Centre