Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance blog

SERA-17 Meets Virtually to Discuss P

By Matt Scholz, Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance The SERA-17 information exchange group hosted its annual meeting virtually on October 15, emceed by their Chair, Dr. John Kovar of the USDA-ARS in

Featured Member: Ostara

How big is your company and where does it operate? Ostara is about 30 people and operates across North America and Europe primarily. What does your company do related to

Journey to Improve Water Quality in Powers Lake

By Laura M. Fleming, President and CFO of SRS Crisafulli, Inc. Outbreaks of blue-green algae in a 1,616-acre natural lake, created an emergent call to action in the 1990’s from

USDA and OCP North America Jointly Fund Phosphorus Research

OCP North America has provided matching funds to support a two-year postdoctoral research fellow in the lab of Dr. Carl Bolster, research hydrologist at the USDA-ARS’s Food Animal Environmental Systems

AgSTAR’s New Anaerobic Digester Project Development Handbook

By Vanessa McKinney and Nick Elger of AgSTAR For 26 years, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) AgSTAR Program has been helping farmers and communities across the United

Featured Member: Biochar Now

How big is your company and where does it operate? Our company currently has a biochar production operation in Berthoud Colorado. We currently have 23 employees. We have recently closed

Alliance’s Phosphorus Transport Modeling Group Meets

By Dr. Matt Scholz Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance The Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance hosted its second in-person workshop of what’s been rebranded as its Phosphorus Transport Modeling Group in San Antonio, Texas,

Research Needed in Food Waste Co-digestion

By Dr. Michelle Young Arizona State University, Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology Food waste is a problem in the United States. About 30 to 40% of the U.S. food supply,

A Tool for Trapping Dissolved Phosphorus

By Dr. Chad PennUSDA-ARS, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory The P removal structure is a large, landscape scale filter for dissolved phosphorus (DP), intended to intercept and trap P from

OCP: Feeding the Soil to Feed the Planet

By Krista Maruca of OCP North America OCP Group is a global player with a leadership position across the phosphate value chain in extracting, marketing and selling phosphate and its

Notes from the Alliance’s 2018 Phosphorus Modeling Workshop

By Dr. Grey Evenson, Ohio State University The Phosphorus Field-to-Watershed (P-F2W) Modeling Workshop brought 16 researchers and policy experts to Columbus, Ohio, on August 23rd and 24th. The group discussed

Europe Continues to Move Nutrient Policies Forward

By Chris Thornton, European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform The 3rd European Sustainable Phosphorus Conference (ESPC3) brought together 300 companies, policy makers and experts in Helsinki, June 2018. New EU policies announced