Featured Member: Arva Intelligence

Texas-based Arva Intelligence’s AI-driven data platform connects growers and their advisors to buyers in environmental markets and provides recommendations to maximize farm-field profit while quantifying the environmental value of farmed acreage.

How big is your company and where does it operate? 

We have 31 full time employees and our home office is in Houston, TX.

What’s your business model? 

Arva connects the supply and demand side of the agricultural supply chain, helping producers connect with environmental asset buyers to effect lasting, sustainable change. We incentivize regenerative agricultural practices at the field level to improve grower profits, reduce GHG emissions, and help our corporate clients achieve their ESG commitments.

What are the biggest challenges you face? 

With this industry evolving so rapidly, we find that educating our clients and industry partners is of the highest importance. Ensuring we’re all speaking the same language and using terminology in a similar manner is key to a successful collaboration. 

What does your company do related to phosphorus sustainability? 

Reducing the over-application of phosphorus is something we can and do focus on within our programs through precision application efforts. Through our CropForceTM platform, Arva’s AGTs (Arva Ground Types) identify optimal phosphorus application at a quarter acre resolution and we can make suggestions to producers on how to avoid over-application.

What’s been your biggest phosphorus sustainability win?

Arva started as a research project on our Arva Research Farm in Arkansas. We experimented with phosphorus and were able to reduce our application by 40% with precision application! We found that this actually increased yields, because excess phosphorus increases vegetative growth but does not necessarily increase grain and legume production.