DC-based NACWA is a founding member of the Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance, and its Deputy CEO, Chris Hornback, serves on our Board of Directors.
Where does your organization operate and what is your business model?
National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) is the nation’s recognized leader in legislative, regulatory, legal and communications advocacy on the full spectrum of clean water issues. NACWA represents public wastewater and stormwater agencies of all sizes nationwide. Our vision is to advance sustainable and responsible policy initiatives that help to shape a strong and sustainable clean water future.
What are the biggest challenges you face?
Currently, we are working to secure tens of billions of dollars in federal funding to match the growing need to upgrade America’s increasingly out-of-date water infrastructure. Addressing the growing water affordability crisis, securing increased funding to the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, and working to ensure Clean Water Act regulatory policies reflect a net environmental benefit approach are some key challenges our sector faces.
Where do you see the biggest opportunities for advancing phosphorus sustainability?
As addressed in President Biden’s American Jobs Act, a total replacement of lead service lines would render moot the orthophosphate paradox. If lead service lines are replaced, there is no need to mandate orthophosphate as the must-use optimal corrosion control technique.
What’s been your biggest sustainability win?
Staying with the orthophosphate issue, Denver Water, understanding the downstream nutrient impacts to Denver Metropolitan Reclamation District, is deviating from a mandated orthophosphate dosing and is proposing a “Lead Reduction Program Plan.” This innovative and funded approach, in collaboration with various environmental groups, will replace the estimated 75,000 lead service lines in 15 years. More information here.